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Our pet/companion contract is in the process of being revamped , and we are adding an application, that helps us to know you and your desires better. The new one may not have the same stipulations as this. Please check back for the newer version. Full rights grants are seldom, and require Titling and full health testing along with some other guidelines that must be met before rights are granted.
Contract to purchase 1 Standard Poodle Puppy on a "Spay/Neuter Agreement"
The Purchaser of a Standard Poodle, must read FULLY, and agree to the terms of this contract.Their signatures serve as the formal acceptance of this contract.. This is a legal and binding contract.
The purpose and intent of this contract is to establish the terms and conditions for the ownership, or co-ownership of one(1) standard poodle from High Mesa Standards, to the purchaser.
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